The Angélus is a delicious soft cheese with a bloomy rind that is made from pasteurized whole cow milk. The Angélus belongs to the brie and Camembert family: its texture is runny and its taste is creamy. Cooking with it is very interesting: it can, for example, be oven-baked like brie. A mild cheese, it can be served any time of the day.
Pasteurized milk, bacterial culture, salt, rennet, calcium chloride, Penicillium, Candidum
Humidity 42%
Fat 27%
Keep refigerated
Vin blanc
Suggestion: Pinot blanc d’AlsaceNutritional value
Calories 96 // Lipids / Saturated / Trans 8g / 5g / 0.1g // Cholesterol 24mg // Sodium 150mg // Glucids / Fibers / Sugars 0g / 0g / 0g // Proteins 5g // Vitamin A 8% // Vitamin C 0% // Calcium 10% // Iron 0%
Recipe ideas
Excellent starters, quick to do to make your guests wait and enjoy!